Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Good Leaders Vs 1 who is "trying hard" to act like 1

Hmm... Have anyone ever wonder... Is there really a good leader? Is there really someone who can lead anyone & everyone and yet, none of his/her followers will complain or grumble?

The answer is for you to tell me... So far.. I only had came across one... Mr Iv.. G..

Well, what contributes to a Good Leader?
Q: Do Good Leaders always 'shout' at fellow employees & expect things to be done their way?
A: Yes Sometimes...

Q: Do Good Leaders always 'bad mouth' their fellow employees & counterparts?
A: Well.. I do see some of them doing that, especially today! That's a sad thing though...

Q: Do Good Leaders always think that if they have listen wrongly, it means, their employees had said wrongly & blame it on them?
A: Well.. I definitely get to know of 1 of them this afternoon!

Q: Do Good Leaders have a simple BRAIN to think that if 2 vehicles are produced at the same time, obviosuly their sufix are the same. If his team's is 'SDW', obviously the other team is also be 'SDW', how can it be 'SCW'? Don't he has the slightest brainy to think (BrainLess Creature)? Or he is too busy to think correctly & logically?
A: Probably his TeeKo (Dirty-minded) Brain is full of TeeKo stuffs, till he can't think correctly!

Q: So does that means that he is not capable enough to be a Good Leader, or even a Leader?
A: Well.. in the eyes of the management, I don't think so... Cos.. Let's open our eyes BIG to see!

Let me share with you guys, a few PRECIOUS PHRASES, quoted from an article I came across from RECRUIT every Sat.

The topic today is: Bringing the BEST in Your People.
A Good Leader DEVELOPS and INSPIRES his/her staff to perform to the best of thier abilities!

"Managers are people who do things right... Leaders are people who do the right thing..." So.. Who are you? Manager / Leader?

Two common Questions to ponder...
1) Are leaders born or made?
---It's possible for every leader (both good & bad) to learn and acquire better leadership skills. The art of diplomacy, presetation & persuasion are just few good exampls. Every leader can learn better skills to coacg employees and galvanise (Wow! What a chim word! What's the meaning?) his team.
---Cultivating a good character is another important aspect of leadership that can be learned. Thus whether or not a person is born a leader. he is capable of learning and acquiring new leadership skills.
---Perhaps a more practical question: "How can every corporate managers become better leaders?"
---What can we equip our leaders with effective leadership knowledge and skills? Progress is achieved by asking the right questions about leadership.

2) Do motivation and hard work come naturally, or is it the result of training?
---For many leaders, 1of their primary duties : To Empower & Energnise the people they lead!
---Good leadership can inculcate positive virtues in employees.
---Employees tend to be motivated to work harder when:
>>>they received clear direction from boss
>>>work in a energnised team
>>>given due respect and recognition by their boss
---Employees is likly to become more motivated and more hardworking if his leader succeeds in CREATING A STIMULATING WORK CLIMATE.

Think out of the box & Think Big!!!
---The future will not belong to "managers" or those who can make the number dance
---The wold belong to passionate & driven leaders - people who not only have enormous amounts of energy but who can energise those whom they lead.

GOOD LEADERS: one who include in their list of responsibilities, the DUTY to DEVELOP and INSIPRE their people, BRINGing out the BEST in them in the process.

--> Set Good Examples
--> Lead from the front
--> Continually innovate
--> Set high standards
--> Inspire their staffs
--> become mentors


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